Server commands
There are lots of commands that can be used in a network game to change server settigs or do other things. Some features are only available to the server administrators whilst other things can be done by anyone.
Basic commands
- (<1|0> means 1 or 0, [x] means optional x)
- /who (lists players)
- /laps [<val>] (shows or sets lap number)
- /car [[<player>] <car>] (shows or sets car)
- /cars [/add|/remove <car>] (selects possible cars if non-fixed)
- /tracks [[/add[2]|/remove] ] (shows/adds/removes tracks, add2 can add the same track several times)
- /tracks /clear (deselects all tracks)
- /kick <player>|<ip> (kicks player or IP from this cup)
- /ban [<player>|<ip>] (bans player/IP or shows bans)
- /clearbans (clears all bans)
- /order [<0|1|2|3|4>] (shows or sets starting order)
- /points [<fastest> <1.> <2.> [...]] (shows or sets points)
- /say (says a message)
- /helpmore (shows more advanced commands)
- /helpauto (shows autoserver related commands)
- /version (shows server version)
More advanced commands:
- /fixedcar [<0|1|2>] (controls having a fixed car)
- /ghostrace [<0|1>] (controls having a ghost race)
- /promode [<val>] (controls having pro mode on)
- /maxplayers [<n>] (shows or sets max player number)
- /tracks /addrnd [<n>] (adds n random tracks from the current track dir)
- /transfers [/stop] (displays or stops current file transfers)
- /autokick [<0|1>] (controls kicking disconnected players before race)
- /continuousreg [<0|1>] (controls accepting new players during cup)
- /demoplayersallowed [<0|1>] (controls whether demo players are allowed)
- /startmode [<0|1>] (controls start mode)
- /startpos <player> <pos> (sets player start position)
- /master [<0|1>] (säätää, käytetäänkö pääserveriä, 1 myös päivittää tilan)
- -/master [<0|1>] (controls using a master server, 1 also forces an update)
- /info [<server info text>] (shows or sets server info text)
- /helpball (shows PunaBall and team related commands)
- /helpai (shows AI related commands)
- /aifill [<val>] (shows or sets AI Fill)
- /aiskill [<val>] (shows or sets AI Skill)
Automatic server related commands:
- /autoserver [<0|1>] (controls having an automatic server)
- /run <macro> (runs a server macro)
- /adminmsg [<msg>] (sets or shows admin message)
- /autotime /reg [<time>] (controls reg time)
- /autotime /cup [<time>] (controls cup waiting time)
- /autotime /car [<time>] (controls car selection time)
- /autotime /raceinit [<time>] (controls race init max time)
- /autotime /raceend [<time>] (controls race end time)
- /autotime /raceidle [<time>] (controls max race idle time)
- /autotime /cupend [<time>] (controls cup end time)
- /generatestats (generates HTML record stats)
- /addadmin <ip> <password> (adds admin rights to the IP, 'ALL' for all IPs)
- /removeadmin <ip> (removes admin rights from the IP)
- /admin <password> <cmd> (performs an admin command if correct IP and password)
- /admin <password> (enters or exists admin mode)
- /admin (shows IPs having admin rights)
- /quit (quits the server)
- /continue (advances the server to the next state)
- /restart (starts restarting the server)
In addition to this, there are ball game, fuel, battle, tyre wear and drafting related commands which are explained in other sections.