Rendy Andrian
Hey, it's me Rendy, the first and only active Indonesian Slider around (resir014, where art thou? :( ). You won't see me on races very often as I would experience tons of lags there unlike other guys who's written their profiles like Whiplash, Mike Nike and iBlaze, but I would consider myself as the "content creator", having created multitude of tracks and cars of varied designs and always found myself tweaking the aiplayers.dat for some, well, "good time".
It was all started some time in late 2007 where I was looking for a racing game to play at home as I was using the net cafe to surf the net. This was where I found this very game and tried to immerse myself with its addictive gameplay even though I had to play only three tracks. However, I found enjoyment on editing aiplayers.dat with my own made-up names and colors in order to enhance my experience.
Cut to the days where 2.0.0 was released and the restrictions have gone, I have created a good number of tracks while discovering my track making skills as I progress, be it for default tracks or for custom tracks. I shared my collections to my personal site, from my Tripod site and carried over to RendyTUNED (Webs) which also featured creations from other games, but still, I have so many TS creations than I have other game creations combined. [R]GARAGE is currently my recent personal site right now as the baton has now passed to the Wix site, using the cooler-looking HTML5 design, and there are more new creations too, but I occasionally present my creations on my blog in case I couldn't add the new ones to the site in an instant or that I intend to showcase my old ones.
Here on the forums, I started out as a caveman who just got unfrozen after some kind of miracle and just knew internet right off the bat, and you'd see me spamming stuff about random things thanks to my lack of grammar and vocabulary. As time went, I toned down my persona little by little and started to "engage" with competing in two Track Making Contests of which I failed both, eventually getting involved in improving the game for preceeding versions. I also found several interesting tools, be it WIP or finished, as I go, like power79's Bots project and Tijny's IziEditor, which I embrace very much.
I would list Jazzyclub as my favorite content maker as he has made so many great stuffs I enjoy playing, also for the NightMod he has made. I would also list other content makers such as Keppana, dby, Hengari, and some others I couldn't mention, not to forget power79 and Tijny for the aforementioned tools they are/were working, Whiplash and Mike Nike for establishing the community even further (and not to mention for having a large database of tracks that I finally found the gem I was looking for years: Night Beach Party), and of course the SCARTS community for gladly using my Tsukuba Circuit track for their races and not to forget F1 Speed League for its creations that influenced me to create more quality cars and tracks. However, if it wasn't because of Antti Mannisto a.k.a Ande, this game won't exist and I wouldn't have any form of enjoyment, let alone an addiction to top down games, so all the big kudos go to him.